Pour la reponse a cette question pas tres comprehensible, un blog. Hilarant, (sense etre) ecrit par une jeune japonaise qui parle en "broken english", des posts avec un humour qui me plait enormement.Vraiment tres drole! A mon avis, l'auteur est plus vraisemblablement anglophone, habite a Tokyo et a une petite amie idol qui se prenomme Chiemi. A vous de juger...http://www.seekjapan.jp/app/user/blog.php?uid=6785&limit=7&start=0Quelques extraits pour la mise en bouche:Anyway.... it is shameful when America talent do same Japan style. Example, I see Leonarudo DiCaplio do some speak about environment loving. It was so clock of shit! When is Leo-sama "always care about enviroment"? I can more believe if Brad Pit say he always care about animal.... because i saw video of Brad Pit having long hair and he open gate at zoo. Many animal run freely in L.A. and Brad Pit use paint to put monkey on many wall. The DieHard/Unbreakable man help him.
Recentry in Japan, I hear about man who liking to pull the Japan girl skirt up and sometime pull the panty down. It is very hentai sport, but very true thing. Usuarry, there is number two man who take the picture by video and so on. Prease let me tell you traditional Japanese history of panty love...
...Now there is special game of pull the skirt up to see the panty. this game is not so danger because it is funny. It not so funny to me, but Japan thinking say "oh... it is just funny play" so I guess I agree.But why Japan man so much want to see my panty? I don't want my pany to see by everyone. For my thinking, Panty is very secret thing. Maybe, tomorrow, I don't wear the panty and then man is too disappoint he don't see the panty. Then I laugh.